Never throw the towel in to your dreams
The rose is born from tiny seeds, grows her roots which are buried away in darkness not knowing where she will end up.
After spending what seems like years in the dark earth. When finally her stalk grows high enough out of the dirt into the light her soul is beaten by the hail storms, the winds, the flooding and burning n the sun.
Yet, she continues to grow and blossom into what superficially seems to many like delicate most fragrant flower that Mother Nature planted as is seen when her flowers blossom. Yet truly magnificent is her journey of strength, her pure power to punch through adversity and be relentless in her pursuit to grow. She never thought about stopping and withering away. She simply did what she could, learning to trust all the wisdom that she had inside of her, growing taller, wiser and even more beautiful in the process. All of this is completely natural process made from Mother Nature, that which we can learn so much from.
Remember next time you want to quit, this is often the point, the opportunity where we can create a stunning growth spurt.
The beautiful rose vines on our Love Conquers All collection pieces, leggings, crops and sports rompers represent the magical wonders of growth with the act of self love. You can shop them here: